Débogage et profilage d'applications C++ sous Windows

Cette formation passe en revue les outils et techniques de débogage et profilage permettant aux développeurs d’identifier rapidement des bugs et problèmes de performance sur leur application C++ ciblant l'environnement Windows. Les outils présentés couvrent un large spectre d’utilisation, du débogage général, profilage CPU ou encore l’analyse de haut niveau de votre système Windows et plus encore.

Note importante : cette formation et son contenu ne sont disponibles qu'en anglais pour le moment.

Course Contents:

This training focuses on tooling available to developers working with Microsoft Windows on the desktop.

The following tools will be covered:


  • general purpose debuggers: Visual Studio, CDB
  • memory error detectors: Application Verifier, AddressSanitizers
  • thread error detectors: ThreadSanitizer
  • tracing: Dependency Walker, Process Monitor, API Monitor
  • OpenGL: apitrace


  • CPU: Intel VTune Amplifier XE, Visual Studio, Windows Performance Analyzer
  • heap memory: Visual Studio, Windows Performance Analyzer
  • OpenGL: apitrace, NVidia nSight


  • static code analysis: clang analyzer, Coverity
  • code coverage: gcov

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Informations sur la session

This course is for:

Developers who want to find and fix problems


Knowing the basics of C++


3 days

Formations à Venir






Prix hors TVA






















* plus TVA si applicable

Why learn about Debugging and Profiling?

The time spent writing code is often dwarfed by the time required to find bugs and improve performance. This training makes your development workflow more efficient: You will learn what tool to use in which situation, and how to set it up and run it on an application. Finally, you will learn how to analyze and interpret the results obtained from the various tools.